Queues are one of the most shameful phenomena of the modern world. Standing in queues, people waste part of their lives instead of using the waiting time for something useful. In addition, a crowd of people significantly contributes to the spread of diseases, and in places close to hostilities, it also provokes the enemy to commit terrorist acts. Therefore, it is not surprising that in some cases there is a penalty for creating queues.
There are many solutions to prevent queuing, one of the most popular of which is electronic queuing. In the most traditional version, the implementation of the electronic queue consists of a device for printing coupons with numbers, a large information board and a control system for all this equipment.
The traditional implementation of an electronic queue usually requires some investment, which is not always economically justified, especially if the queues do not occur every day. In addition, in most cases, customers remain «tied» to the queue status notification system while waiting. Even if you are given a special device for this, it has a limited range. Therefore, even if the waiting time is several hours, you still cannot take full advantage of it.
Our project will allow you to build your electronic queue system without any significant costs. The principle of its work is based on the fact that now almost every person has a smartphone and uses the Internet. If you are sure that your potential customers are able to scan a QR code and perform simple actions on their device, then you can permanently solve the problem of live queues and add comfort to yourself and others.
What is needed to create an electronic queue? Just a few simple steps:
To join the queue, the client needs to scan the first QR code, follow the link and confirm the intention. For convenience, you must also agree to receive push notifications. The client can be anywhere, but will always know how many people are in front of him and can estimate how long the service takes and how much free time is available. And when the turn comes, he will receive an invitation.
The basic features of our system are available free of charge. As a queue administrator, you can configure:
All actions related to managing the queue and its clients are performed in the Control Panel. You can also create multiple queues per account if your case is multi-threaded.
But what to do if a person who forgot their phone at home wants to get in line? Or this phone is so old that it can't even perform simple actions with a QR code. You can always create a «Virtual Client» and announce their number in the queue. But now, such a client will have to wait in place until they are called.
But that's not all. You can configure the queue so that it is no longer essentially a «queue». For example, in a self-service restaurant, where the order of service is determined by the readiness of the dishes. The customer scans the QR code, makes an online order, pays for it and waits for it to be ready, being wherever he wants while waiting. Thus, the client's own smartphone replaces the traditional information device, which, by the way, is unlikely to work if it is temporarily taken out of the room.
In addition, advanced functions of the electronic queue are available not only to users of the premium package. Volunteer organizations and humanitarian aid organizations can also use it for free.
In any case, preventing the creation of human queues is an important matter. By joining this process, you increase the value of your customer's time, make your business more comfortable, and people's lives safer.
Let's stop queues together!
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